Running Our First 100km Ultramarathon

It’s been a cathartic process to write up the highs and lows of our latest crazy adventure, so if you’re interested to find out what it’s like to run/walk/hobble through 100km, in the format of 4km loops run on the hour, every hour, for 25 consecutive hours, read on… And just a HUGE thank you to everyone who supported us virtually, in person or through your sponsorship. And particularly to Will and Ellie for completing this mad challenge with us! … More Running Our First 100km Ultramarathon

Carving Out Time for Yourself

For busy parents, especially at this time of year in the crazy run up to Christmas, it can be so hard to find time for yourself. To take time to stop and breathe; move away from the relentless to do list and instead do something you enjoy, an activity that nourishes your soul. This post is about doing just that – gifting yourself the time to be creative, manage your physical and mental health, and socialise with your tribe. … More Carving Out Time for Yourself